Here's a sample of recent projects that will provide you with examples of our high production values and our commitment to our clients. 


Christmas video for Rowan Preparatory School


A promotional video made for Linden Bridge School

NIGHT SOUNDS: A film highlighting the sounds experienced by patients on wards at night-time.

'Time to Care' preview - a film of a patient's journey currently being incorporated into an E-learning programmme.

A film to demonstrate how Care Cards can help Nurses communicate with young children.

A collection of patient stories filmed for the North West Ambulance Service

A series of scenarios that highlight typical performance management issues within a Trust. Trailer. Full preview available on request.

The true story of a Nurse's experience of a fatal drug error at an NHS Hospital Trust.

Stories to raise awareness about self harm. Filmed for Nursing staff at Broadmoor Hospital.

SIX mental health scenarios showing some typical interactions that take place on a ward between staff and service users

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